by Ron Davis | Aug 2, 2023 | Dr. Ron's Blog
Poetry is a good way to experience the essence of summer in two ways. First is the way the poet has described a specific event or feeling about the season. Second is our reaction to what the poem says; we read what’s written and will immediately have an opinion...
by Ron Davis | May 7, 2023 | Dr. Ron's Blog
This phrase can be read two ways: composure is in danger of being lost throughout society, and composure is the quality most needed in a crisis. This jewel of equanimity is a precious state of mind with many benefits. On the bigger scale, composure helps us maintain...
by Ron Davis | Apr 15, 2023 | Dr. Ron's Blog
How To Relax And Enjoy Spring Spring is the busiest time of year. We want to get outdoors and do stuff, yet stormy weather often interferes with our desires. Or we have so many projects on our to do list that we don’t know where to start. Plants pop up from the ground...
by Ron Davis | Apr 11, 2022 | Dr. Ron's Blog
What You Say Is Who You Are“Kind speech can change the destiny of a nation” In my last blog post I wrote about the dignity of kndness and how it is the ultimate declaration of a real human being. Now I want to take a closer look at how you express kindness. There’s...