About Dr. Ron

ronPhotoC250Dr. Ronald Davis studied chiropractic and acupuncture at Northwestern Health Sciences University graduating in 1984. In 1985 he became licensed as a Doctor of Chiropractic and as a Licensed Acupuncturist. After further study and examinations Dr. Davis achieved Diplomate of Acupuncture status from the NCCAOM in 1986. He then integrated the practical theories and methods of these two great healing systems into a successful private practice in Bozeman, Montana.

As a member of state and national professional associations, Dr. Davis has organized and attended innumerable continuing educational opportunities to keep his practice at the highest level of competence. He studied Chinese medicine at China’s National Olympic Training Center in Beijing and the Daoist Healing Arts on Wudang Mountain in central China. He travels throughout the world seeking the knowledge of ancient and modern health enhancing traditions.

It was a “lucky break” that brought Ron Davis into the healing arts. As a young man he had several horse accidents that resulted in a severely herniated disc in his lower back, and broken vertebrae in his neck and upper back. After a year of suffering and inadequate medical care he decided to see a chiropractor. This was a life changing experience that lead to the eventual recovery of his health and the decision to help others by becoming a Doctor of Chiropractic.

While attending chiropractic college, Dr. Ron studied Chinese medicine and soon realized that there is a strong connection between the nervous systsem and the channel (meridian) system of acupuncture. He was so impressed by the wisdom of this ancient medicine and its correlation to modern science that he committed his career to using the two healing systems so that he could offfer the most effective treatment services to his patients. This lead to the establishment of the Bozeman Chiropractic and Acupuncture Clinic in 1985. Dr. Davis retired from active clinical practice in July 2016.

From the beginning, Dr. Davis has been committed to providing excellent clinical care while teaching his patients and students how to take care of themselves. To that end he developed The Health Movement and has been teaching classes in Qigong, Taiji and Spinal Health care since 1986. He would like to acknowledge his sincere thanks to the following teachers: Dr. Jean Yu, professor Ken Cohen, Dr. Roger Jahnke, master Eva Wong, and grandmaster Liang Shouyu.

He has an enduring appreciation for the ancient Chinese Daoists and Zen masters whose remarkable ability to understand human health serve as guiding principles in his life. He understands that every moment of life is precious and will never be repeated.

ronPicRon and his wife Pamm moved back to Athens, Ohio in 2021. This is his ancestral homeland in the foothills of the Applachian mountains. He now practices and teaches at the Bodhi Tree studio in Athens.

Statement of Purpose:
“I have practiced and studied many types of qigong and taiji since 1985. The benefits of better physical health and less pain, a calm and expansive mind, and finding a clear path to greater spiritual awakening have shown that the “qigong lifestyle” is a vibrant way to enjoy the limitless dimensions of life. I enjoy teaching others so that they may attain the benefits of these health-enhancing systems that will help them fully express their potential for good health, peace of mind and true happiness. My unending quest – for everyone – is to live in the blessing of well-being.”