Winter Qigong
December 01, 2024- March 01, 2025

The Health Movement presents an online class for winter health care with Ron Davis.

After Dr. Ron clears the snow off his practice area he will lead you on a journey through the wonders of Winter Qigong.

Winter Qigong is an online program designed to enhance your health during the winter season. This program has two aspects: a video in six chapters, and a written handbook with detailed information. These videos and documents present a set of qigong exercises, explain Daoist meditations and offer dietary suggestions. This self-directed format can be accessed anytime at your convenience in the comfort of your home.

The unique combination of visual and written information will make understanding and practicing Winter Qigong a pleasantly rewarding experience. The videos combine talks with demonstrations and the handout integrates text with illustrations. This complementary information creates an easy way to enjoy good health in winter.Earth in Center185

Winter Qigong is based on the Five Phase paradigm of Chinese medicine. The Water phase of winter is the time to take care of the deepest and most essential aspects of your health: the bones, the kidneys and the central nervous system. This is the season to nurture the very foundation of your well-being.


 Registrants will have unlimited access to this class throughout the season. Here is what you get:


Each chapter presents a qigong exercise or meditation with an introduction and demonstration.

Title                                                    Approx minutes

Chapter 1. Introduction                                                           5:15
The nature of Winter Qigong

Chapter 2. The Bear Frolic                                                    11:10
The yang side of Winter

Chapter 3. Bone Marrow Cleansing                                      18:50
The yin side of Winter

Chapter 4. Filling The Lower Dan Tian                                    7:43
The essence of Winter

Chapter 5. Seven Stars Meditation                                        17:40
The Microcosmic Orbit

Chapter 6. Closing                                                                   4:55
The Presence of Your Life



Winter HandoutThe 36 page handbook comes as a high quality PDF document in two parts.
It can be downloaded and stored on your device and/or printed as a hardcopy.

The master text gives you detailed instructions for each qigong exercise, suggestions for a winter diet of foods and herbs, and guidance on the purpose and practice of the meditations. Profusely illustrated and concisely written, this text contains wise knowledge not covered in the video portion of Winter Qigong: four meditations, kidney functions, vitamin D, recipes, etc.
The handbook supplement has helpful images and information about bone marrow, the spine, kidneys, and the central nervous system – all parts of the Kidney Network. These core systems are essential to your health in winter.


The video and the handbook will be accessable throughout the winter
to those who have registered for the course.

There are many advantages to this special online program:

  • Sign up at any time during this season.
  • Watch and read the material as often as you want.
  • Learn exactly how to do each exercise.
  • Understand the principles of Winter Qigong.
  • View and practice in the comfort of your home.
  • Review short segments or the entire program at your leisure.
  • Stay motivated to practice with easy access to Dr. Ron’s guidance.


How to Register for Winter Qigong

Payment may be made through Pay Pal, a credit card, or by a check.

After you sign up below and payment has been made, your Winter Qigong class will reside in the Membership Area under Log In/Out in the main menu. If paying by check (Manually) we will activate your class as soon as we receive payment and your Winter Qigong class will be available as described above. Remember, you must be logged in to access your class.

Please note: access to Winter Qigong will terminate on March 01 2025.
You may sign up for this class at anytime before March 01, 2025.

If you have any problems, questions, or comments please contact us at

Dr. Ronald Davis studied chiropractic and acupuncture at Northwestern Health Sciences University. After graduation in 1984 he became licensed as a Doctor of Chiropractic and Acupuncturist, then earned the Diplomate of Acupuncture status from the NCCAOM in 1986. He integrated the practical theories and methods of these two great healing systems into a successful private practice in Bozeman, Montana. Dr. Davis has studied Chinese medicine with many well known teachers in the US as well as at Beijing’s National Olympic Training Center and the Daoist healing arts on China’s Wudang Mountain.  In 2015 he wrote the book Qigong Through The Seasons published by Singing Dragon and available at most booksellers. Dr. Davis retired from clinical practice in 2016, but continues developing and teaching classes for THE HEALTH MOVEMENT.

Statement of Purpose:
“I have practiced and studied many types of qigong and taiji since 1985. The benefits of better physical health and less pain, a calm mind, and finding a clear path to spiritual awakening have shown me that the qigong lifestyle is a vibrant way to enjoy the limitless dimensions of life. I enjoy teaching others so that they may attain the benefits of these health-enhancing systems that will help them fully express their potential for good health, peace of mind and true happiness. My unending quest, for everyone, is to live in the blessing of well-being.”

Disclaimer: The information contained in this program may greatly enhance your sense of well being. It is not intended to be a treatment for disease or disability. Always consult your licensed health care practitioner before beginning any exercise program.

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For more information about Dr. Ron Davis and his Statement of Purpose please click here.



NOTE: In the registration form below, Manual means paying by check. You will be directed to the address to send your check. The Paypal option allows you to securely pay by credit card even if you don’t have a Paypal Account.


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