Summer Qigong In Person
with Ron Davis

June 1, 8, 15, 2024.  1:00-2:30. Serenity Roots,
8950 Lavelle Rd, Athens, Ohio

Learn a program of qigong exercises, Daoist meditations, and dietary suggestions for personal health care in Summer based on the wisdom of Classical Chinese Medicine.

This class, part of the series Qigong for the Seasons, will show you how to use the Five Phases paradigm to stay healthy during Summer. You will learn why the seasonal changes in nature have an influence on human health and what you can do to stay in harmony with those changes. This is preventive medicine at its best!

For thousands of years this system of health care has served to keep millions of people healthy through the use of gentle exercises, meditation, and diet. We will enjoy better health and a deeper awareness of our internal connections with the world if we use this knowledge from the ancient Daoist masters to cultivate the healing forces that are unique to this time of year.

The season of summer is called the Fire Phase. At this time the energy of nature is rising upward and outward in most living things. In humans this internal migration is toward the Heart Network. Physically it consists of the heart and blood vessels; mentally it consists of compassion. Any blockage or stagnation of this outward energy will cause problems such as heart dysfunction, hypertension and emotional indifference/apathy.

The complete program of Summer Qigong exercises includes the Monkey Frolic, two Dragon exercises, Heart Qigong, and Waiting at the Temple Gate for a 10-12 minute practice. While the Monkey Frolic is based on a martial art, here it is done for sheer joy and body agility. Dragon Rising and Dragon Looks Back are wonderful spinal conditioning exercises. Heart Qigong is the most essential qigong exercise for the Heart network. Waiting At The Temple Gate uses the combination of body movement, regulated breathing and mental intention to experience the embodiment of spiritual awakening. The theme of this program is joy, connection and everyday enlightenment!

The meditation for summer is The Colors Of Health. Each of the major organs – heart, lungs, liver, spleen, kidneys – has a healthy affinity for a specific color that resonates with the electromagnetic energy of each organ. Dr. Ron will guide students through this active meditation that uses colorful visualizations and an inner smile to suffuse each organ with healing energy. The diet for summer uses specific foods and herbs to nourish the heart. Students will learn why the bitter flavor is good for this organ and which vegetables have this healthy property. They will also know which two common foods are especially good for the cardiovascular system.

Students will have access to a 20 page handbook containing valuable information. This colorful text has instructions and illustrations of the exercises, recipes for summer, descriptions of the five spirits and three treasures, and essential information for getting the most out of a qigong lifestyle.The handbook also has detailed information about how the heart functions.

This class will include the experience of Sending and Receiving Qi. We will do simple non-touch, interactive exercises with a partner in order to feel the exchange of energy between our hands. This is a fundamental training process for the art of external qi healing. Our hands are remarkable instruments that can be used for a healthy interaction of energy between us and all other sentient beings: people, animals, plants.

Each of the three sessions will be a combination of discussions and practice.

Session 1: Introduction to the principles of Summer Qigong and how to get the most out of this class. Beginning instructions and practice for the Monkey Frolic and Heart Qigong. Q&A.

Session 2:  Review practice of the Monkey Frolic and Heart Qigong. Introduction to Dragon Rising, Dragon Looks Back and Waiting At The Temple Gate exercises. Discussion on HeartMind and Spirit. Guided meditation: The Colors Of Health.  Q&A.

Session 3: Refinements of the entire Summer Qigong practice. Discussions of Spiritual Awakening as well as the foods and herbs related to summer. Sending/receiving qi with a partner. Q&A.

Students can download the handbook and, if they wish, bring it to class for discussions.


Questions? Contact us at


Dr. Ron Davis has taught qigong and practiced acupuncture and chiropractic since 1986. He is the founder of The Health Movement, a group of classes and videos designed to improve your well-being by using the wisdom of ancient and modern health care methods. He is the author of Qigong Through The Seasons available at online book sellers, Kindred Market, and the Athens Public Library.



I understand that any exercise class, including qigong, carries with it the possibility of personal injury. I accept this risk and agree that I will not hold the instructors, participants, or owners of the property in which such classes are held responsible for any injury, disability or cause for loss that may happen to me while participating in these classes.

I also understand that the information contained in this class is for educational purposes and is not intended to treat any medical condition.

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Summer Qigong in person class with Ron Davis

Learn a program of qigong exercises, Daoist meditations, and dietary suggestions for personal health care in Summer based on the wisdom of Classical Chinese Medicine.

To pay by check

Make the check payable to Ron Davis:

(Be sure to include your email address and text number in case we need to contact you.)

Send to:

13811 Mansfield Rd.
Athens, OH  45701